جمعه: 1403/02/28
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The method of performing Ghusl

The method of performing Ghusl


Sometimes for Salat and other acts that require Wudhu, a Ghusl too becomes Wajib.

  • To perform Ghusl, the complete body, including the head and the neck must be washed. Sometimes a Ghusl becomes Wajib, for example in the case of Janabat; and sometimes it is Mustahab, such as the Ghusl on Friday (Jumu'ah).
    In reality, there is no difference in the way the various Ghusls are performed; the only difference lies in the Niyyat (Intention).
  • Ghusl can be performed in two ways:

Tartibi (Sequential) or Irtimasi (At one time).

  1. In Ghusl Tartibi, one starts by washing the head and the neck, and then the right half of the body is washed, followed by the left half of the body.
  2. In Ghusl Irtimasi, the complete body is placed under water at one time. Therefore, for Ghusl Irtimasi, the amount of water must be much so that the person is able to submerge his complete body (under the water.)


Friday / 17 May / 2024