يكشنبه: 1403/03/27
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The Etiquettes of Eating

The Etiquettes of Eating


The following actions, which are related to eating food, are Mustahab:

  1. Washing the hands before and after eating.
  2. Saying “Bismillah” when starting to eat, and saying “Alhamdolillah” when one is finished eating.
  3. Eating with the right hand.
  4. Eating small bites of food.
  5. Chewing the food properly.
  6. Washing fruit with water before eating it.
  7. If many people are sitting at a dinner table, then one should start with that food which is in front of him.
  8. The host should start eating before all the guests, and should finish after all of them.


The following actions, which are related to eating food, are Makruh:

  1. Eating food when one is full.
  2. Eating to one’s fill (eating too much food).
  3. Looking at the faces of others while eating.
  4. Eating hot food.
  5. Blowing on hot food.
  6. Cutting the bread with a knife.
  7. Placing the bread under the dishes.
  8. Throwing away fruit before it has been completely eaten.
Sunday / 16 June / 2024