دوشنبه: 1403/03/28
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Ramadan – The month of supplication (3)
Best Supplications

Best Supplications

The best of supplications are those in which a person invokes for increase in cognition and inner light, for the purity and cleanliness of inner soul, for the best fate and to seek opportunity for good deeds, to earn rewards, to be adorned with desirable ethics, to perform the Islamic obligations, to seek forgiveness and pardon, and the nearness of Allah Almighty.

Such supplications will certainly be answered and the signs of its acceptance will appear quickly, and with such supplications, a person travels towards Allah and obtains His nearness.

Other supplications will be answered only when they are according to the divine traditions, and on the other hand, when they are as per the welfare of the supplicator.

Many a times we supplicate and in that supplication, we ask Allah to entangle others in afflictions and hardships. Such supplications are certainly not answered and Allah, the Just, the Wise, the Forbearing, is pure from answering these supplications.

Such supplications are a sign of lack of maturity, cognition and patience of the supplicator.

The completest of supplications are those which the holy Quran has narrated from the prophets and believers, and those supplications which are reported from the great Prophet (p.b.u.h.) and his household (peace be upon Him).

These supplications, like the supplication of Kumail, supplication of Arafa, supplication of Abu Hamza, the supplications of Sahifa e Kamila e Sajjadiya, take the supplicator to the highest level of humanity and helps him in ascending towards the upper world.

One of the most valuable aspects of supplication is the nurturing aspect. The topics of supplications narrated from the religious leaders and guides, are all nurturing, teaching, and completing the insight and cognition.

          We cannot write about supplications, its effects, its bounties, conditions and etiquettes in this place in a worthwhile manner, and apart from that, it is not possible by someone as aged as me. My respected readers should refer to those great and valuable books that have been penned by the clerics and experts of this subject.

          One of the traditions regarding the virtues of supplication is:

"الدعاء مخ العبادۃ"

“Supplication is the brain of worship”

          It has arrived in another narration that:

"الدعاء سلاح المؤمن و عمود الدین و نور السماوات و الارض"

“Supplication is the weapon of a believer, the pillar of religion and the light of the heavens and the earth”.

          This is a summary of the benefits, effects, graces and virtues of supplication.


Monday / 17 June / 2024