دوشنبه: 1403/03/28
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Holding fast the Quran

Holding fast the Quran

          We Muslims are of the belief that the Holy Quran is light, mercy and guidance towards well-being and welfare; and a more sufficient and comprehensive constitution has not arrived and shall not arrived for humanity. The human society does not need any other system or law after the rulings of Quran and the religion of Islam.

Undoubtedly, if the teachings of Quran are totally applied, then the flaws and disorientations that have occupied the life of human societies will be eradicated, thus helping brotherhood and justice prevail in the entire world.

Therefore, our duty is to hold fast the holy Quran and the Prophet’s household (p.b.u.h.), in accordance with the following Mutawatir (successive) Hadith:

          “Indeed I am leaving among you two precious (weighty) things, the Book of Allah and my family, my household; as long as you hold fast the two, you will not go astray ever”.[1]

And it is also our duty to deliver the message of Quran to the entire humanity; the teachings of Quran should be regarded as the cause and motive of all the movements and uprisings, steps and reformative revolutions; and we should continuously regard it as the point of beginning and the end, as the source of guidance and the spring of progress. We should only refer to the holy Quran and the holy Household (p.b.u.t.) in all aspects and dimensions of our life. We must regard it as the unique parameter, the honorable constitution and a law that should compulsorily be followed in the religion and world, and under no case or circumstance shall we become ignorant towards it.

It is obvious that Muslims cannot keep away Quran from their life, society, religion and world, and claim that religion is separate from world and spirituality is separate from politics.

The responsibility which we Muslims have to take is that we shouldn’t surrender before the lifestyle of separating themselves from the world; however, many of us have accepted this separation unknowingly and ignorantly.

Every Muslim person must give answer to the following questions:

Do we regard Quran as the actual source of our movements and the origin of all the inspirations? Do we believe in warnings and divine communications? Are we steadfast, serious and firm in our faith in Quran and its directions?

Have we derived our life plan from Quran? Do we follow the Book of Allah like a prescription of health, cure and medicine? Can we respond to these questions affirmatively?

Till the time our lives, society, deeds and behavior, lessons and programs of life are such that we cannot give an affirmative reply to these questions, we will remain away from the holy realm of Quran’s safety, glory and dignity.


[1] Bihar ul Anwar, v. 35, p. 184, Hadith 2.

Monday / 17 June / 2024