دوشنبه: 1403/03/28
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Message of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Golpaygani for the Conference held on the birth Anniversary of Prophet’s beloved daughter – Lady Zahra (s.a.)/ Shahristan Mohr_1440 Hijri
Message of Grand Ayatollah for the Conference on Prophet’s beloved daughter – Lady Zahra (s.a.)/ Shahristan Mohr_1440 Hijri

In the name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-Merciful.


I express my regards, greetings and respect for the honorable people who participated in this glorious and sacred seminar and portrayed their love and devotion for the relatives and holy Household of Prophet (peace be upon them) by attending this program and all the other programs held on the event of the birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her).

 Once again, this great pride has been enjoyed by the faithful and devoted people of Dar Al-Wilayah (the house of Wilayah or Guardianship) on the birth anniversary of Kauthar (i.e. Lady Fatima) of Prophet Mohammad’s Progeny (peace be upon them) by praising the virtues and attributes of this great Lady of the human world with special glory and excessive greatness.

 How fortunate is your life! Your expression of devotion and love for the household of revelation and Prophethood (peace be upon them) is praiseworthy and a cause of dignity and honor for your city.


With my reluctant tongue and incapable speech, and with the confession of my low value, I do not see myself worthy of speaking on the sacred personality of the Heavenly Lady, the Mother of Infallible Imams, the Mother of her father, Lady Zahra (peace be upon her); only for the sake of registering my name in the list of the servants of her heavenly threshold, I will would like to express my devotion and feelings for her eminence.

 In fact, Lady Zahra (peace be upon her), is a true copy of her honorable father, the seal of Prophets, Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his household), and she holds such a special position and status among the holy household (peace be upon them) that the Infallible Leaders (peace be upon them) feel proud of her existence.

The sacred existence of her holiness (peace be upon her) is an argument for the Holy Progeny (peace be upon them), i.e. they present the life of Lady Zahra (peace be upon her) as a proof for their truthfulness and for the falsehood of the usurpers and tyrants. All the members of the holy Progeny (peace be upon them) are divine arguments and Lady Zahra (peace be upon her) is an argument upon all of them.

 She held Imamate in her knowledge and guidance, and her personality was of the First Lady of Islam in chastity, infallibility and honor. The sermon delivered by her eminence proved to be one of her miracles in those difficult circumstances and an atmosphere of strangulation, after bearing the tragic death of holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) and other atrocities. This sermon was delivered extempore and was at the peak of eloquence and exquisiteness.

So much can be said about her that the masters of knowledge and literature and the great scholars of the Islamic world have written thousands of books on the celestial personality of Lady Zahra (peace be upon her), and thousand of poets have praised and glorified her eminence in their poetries.

To conclude, I would like to say that today, in the imitation of the great lady of Islam, our society must consider the divine lifestyle of her holiness as their role model and continue to proudly walk the Fatimid path of faith, divine cognition, servitude, piety, heedlessness towards the world, protection of chastity and veil, defending the Wilayah (Guardianship), invitation towards good deeds and prohibition of bad deeds, and attain the satisfaction of Allah’s last argument for the world, Imam Mahdi (may all our lives be sacrificed upon him).

 I express my gratitude to all the honorable participants of this glorious gathering and request them for prayers.


Was Salaamo Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu


Lotfullah Saafi

18th Jamadi Al-Thaniya, 1440 Hijri.  





Monday / 17 June / 2024