پنجشنبه: 1403/02/13

The method of performing Ghusl   Sometimes for Salat and other acts that require Wudhu, a Ghusl too becomes Wajib. To perform Ghusl, the complete body, including the head and the neck must be washed. Sometimes a Ghusl becomes Wajib, for example in the case of Janabat; and sometimes it is Mustahab, such as the Ghusl on Friday (Jumu'ah). In reality, there is no difference in the...
Things for which Wudhu must be performed   1. A person must perform Wudhu for (all) Salat with the exception of Salat al – Mayyit, and as well as for Tawaf of the Ka’bah and for touching any part of the body to the Qur’an or the names of Allah. 2.If someone performs Salat or Tawaf of the Ka’bah without Wudhu, then that Salat will be void. 3.It is not permissible for someone to...
Conditions for Wudhu   If the following conditions are present, then the Wudhu will be correct, and if even one of them is not present, then the Wudhu will become void.   The water for Wudhu must be Tahir (not Najis). The water for Wudhu, and the place where one is getting the water from must both be Mubah (permissible for use) - meaning that it is not stolen property...
An explanation of the actions in Wudhu   Washing In Wudhu, the person must first start by washing his face from the point where the hair grows, until the bottom of the chin, from top to bottom. To ensure that one has washed that which is Wajib, one must wash a bit extra of the surroundings of the face. After washing the face, the right arm must be washed, followed by the...
The difference between Ihtiyat Mustahab & Ihtiyat Wajib   Ihtiyat Mustahab always accompanies a Fatwa, meaning, in that ruling, and the Muqallid can act either according to the Fatwa or the Ihtiyat, whichever one he prefers to act upon. For example, in this ruling: Washing a Najis dish in Kurr Water once makes the dish Tahir, although the Ihtiyat is that it should be washed...
Taharat Taharat (cleanliness) and keeping a clean body and surroundings are very important in Islam. Everyone must refrain from eating and drinking those things which are Najis; and (as for) the clothing that one wears in Salat – which is the best of actions in worshipping Allah – they must be clean, and it is best that they are the most pure of clothing. Because of this, it is necessary to...
The practical laws of Islam that are related to the actions that one must perform and those that must be avoided, and are the responsibility of everyone to learn, are called the Ahkam (Rules). Every action that a person performs has a specific rulings in Islam. The various actions that we perform, which are related to our responsibility (to Allah Almighty) are divided into five categories:...
Wudhu Before starting the Salat, one must perform Wudhu, and prepare one’s self for this important act of worship. In some instances, one must also perform Ghusl – meaning that the complete body is washed in a special way; and any time one cannot perform the Wudhu or Ghusl, then one must perform another action called Tayammum.   How do we perform Wudhu? To perform Wudhu, one...
A person is allowed to perform the rites of Islam, either by the way if ‘Ijtihad’ or ‘Taqlid’. ‘Ijtihad’ refers to the intense struggle in the way of extracting the rules of Islam from their sources, of which the most important are the Qur’an and the Ahadith (Traditions) of the infallibles (peace be upon them all) – after learning the necessary sciences (of the Islam) that enables the person...
