شنبه: 1403/05/6
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Letter of Appreciation by the Former Chancellor of Ez-Zitouna University for the steps taken by Grand Ayatollah Saafi Golpaygani
Letter of Appreciation by the Former Chancellor of Ez-Zitouna University for the steps taken by Grand Ayatollah Saafi Golpaygani

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

السلام علیكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أیّها الشیخ الجلیل آیة الله الصافی 

لقد وصلتنی رسالتك القیّمة، التی فحواها إكبارك لما قام به رئیس المحكمة الدستوریة النمساویّة السید كریستوف غرابنفاتر من إبطال حكم المحكمة الجائر الذی كان قد منع المسلمات من حقّهن فی ارتداء الحجاب، وشكرك لرئیس المحكمة على هذا العدل والنصرة للحق، وإنّنی بدوری أشكرك على هذه الهمة وعلى هذا الاهتمام بشؤون المسلمین فی العالم الغربی، فأرجو من الله ان یتقبّل عملك وسعیك فی الصالحین وأن ینعم علیكم بالخیر والعافیة، وأن یمدّكم الله بصحة البدن ووفرة العقل، وكمال الحكمة، فإن الأمة الإسلامیة محتاجة فی هذا الزمان، المضطرب أوضاعه، المتلاطم أمواجه، إلى مزید من الحكمة، والتبصر فی سعیها إلى الله سبحانه وتعالى، والاجتماع على الكلمة، ونبذ الفرقة وترك الأوهام، وصدق النوایا، والسعی إلى الخیر، فإنّه بضاعتنا ومدّخرنا وموردنا و مصرفنا فی هذه الدنیا-لو كنّا نعلم-وسبیلنا للنجاة فی الآخرة، وإنّ الأمة الإسلامیة عاقدة آمالها على علمائها، الذین الواجب فی حقّهم أن یكونوا فی مستوى ما ترجوه الأمة منهم، ان یطبّبوا أدواءها، ویبرئوا جراحها، ویجمعوا النّاس برشدهم على العمل الصالح المفید، وعلى حسن الظنّ بالخلق، مسلمین وغیرهم، فإنّه لیس شیء أعظم فی التراحم والتودّد، وأدعى إلى الإلف والتحابب من حسن الظنّ، وإنّ الأمة قد عانت كثیرا من التخوّن والتشكیك، والاتهام بالتضلیل والفسوق والنفاق وإنّه لم یكن فی أمّة فی سالف أزمانها، أو حاضرها، من التشتت والهوان والضعف وانحدار الهمة، وغیاب الإرادة، والتخلّی عن المسؤولیة، كما هو حال الأمة الیوم فلنسخّر-جمیعاً-ما بقی لنا من عمر وجهد وحكمة، فی سبیل هذا المبدا العظیم، ان نجتمع على التّقى وأن نكفّ عن نبش الماضی، وأن نحسن الظن بالناس، غائبهم وشاهدهم، كما هو حسن ظنّنا بالله، وأن نوكل أمر حسابهم إلى ربّهم فهو أعلم بسرائرهم وعلانیّتهم وما أخفت صدورهم وهو ألطف بخلقه، وأعذر لهم، من بعضهم لبعض، وإنه لیس شیء أجلب لرحمة الله وعفوه، من ان یرانا، متصافین، متآخین، متراحمین، ولعل الله سبحانه وتعالى ینفع الأمة بعلمائها، فلنترك ألقابنا، وانتساباتنا، إن كان ذلك عائقاً فی جمع شملنا، و فی تكافلنا ووحدتنا، ولیكن شعارنا الإسلام، ودستورنا القرآن، وأسوتنا نبیّنا صلى الله علیه وسلم، و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمین.

دمتم فی حفظ الله وعونه
مخاطبكم الساعی إلى إرضاء ربّه

هشام قریسة / جامعة الزیتونة بتونس


Translation of Letter:

In the name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful

Your Eminence, Ayatollah Saafi, Peace and Mercy, and God’s blessings be upon you!

I received your invaluable message in which you had appreciated the steps taken by the Head of Austria’s Constitutional Court, Mr. Christof Grabenwater, which were based on rejecting the unjust order passed by the court that had deprived Muslim women of their right of wearing Hijab (veil), and you had thanked him for his support for justice and truth.

I am personally grateful to you for your attention towards this issue and the focus of Your Eminence towards the affairs of the Muslims residing in the Western counties, and I am hopeful that Allah may accept your work and efforts among the work and efforts of the noblemen, and He may bless you with the best, and grant you physical wellbeing, along with mental excellence and the highest level of wisdom. In these conditions of disarray and against the upcoming storms, more than ever, the Islamic nation needs wisdom and insight on the path of reaching the Almighty God, and it requires unity of thoughts, abstention from conflicts, alleviation of superstitions, as well as sincerity of intentions, and endeavor for obtaining the best. All the aforementioned things will serve as our product and treasure, and will benefit our conditions in this world, and show us the path of deliverance in the Hereafter.

The Islamic nation’s hopes are attached to its scholars. The scholars must appear at the level in which the nation is hopeful for them. They must heal their wounds, reduce their pains, and gather them by guiding the people towards those activities that are appropriate and beneficial for them and which makes them optimistic about the creatures of God – irrespective of Muslims and non- Muslims. Nothing can extend the level of kindness, friendship, affinity, and love for the people, more than optimism and favorable opinion regarding them. The Islamic nation has deeply suffered due to treason, pessimism, and the act of accusing each other of misguidance, debauchery, and hypocrisy.

Today, the Islamic nation is entangled in disarray, humiliation, laziness, lack of aspiration, lack of willpower, and running away from responsibilities, which was unprecedented in the past. Hence, we all must spend our remaining life and efforts, and our intellect in the true and valuable path, which is the path of gathering on God-wariness, refraining from digging old graves, optimism for the people – regardless of those who are present and those who are not amongst us anymore – and to leave their reckoning to their Lord, because He knows their hidden secrets and evident deeds, and He is more aware of all those things that are concealed in their chests and He is more kind towards His creation and He is more accepting of their excuse. Nothing can be compared to the way sincerity, brotherhood, and kindness towards each other, drives the mercy and benevolence of God towards us, and we hope that Allah (Swt) will make this nation benefit from their scholars.

Therefore, we must give up our titles, labels, and associations – if they become an obstacle in the path of our bonding, unity, and unification – and our only slogan must be Islam, our only law must be the Quran, and our only role model must be our Honourable Prophet (peace be upon him and his household), and our final prayer is that all praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.


May you always remain in the refuge of Allah and benefit from His support.

Your friend, who seeks the pleasure of His Lord.

Hisham Quraysa / EZ-Zitouna University, Tunis.


Saturday / 27 July / 2024