شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar


(To Enjoin Good Deeds and to Forbid from Bad Acts)


2859. Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar, is one of the important teachings of Islam, and the prestige, status, honor, progress and uplifting of Muslims as well as implementation of Islamic laws and restraining from sin and corruption, and maintenance of social security etc. is all connected to it.

2860. If the Ma’roof (good deed) is obligatory, and a person finds out that someone is abandoning it, it is obligatory upon him, with certain conditions which will be mentioned later, to enjoin him.

2861. If the Ma’roof is a Mustahab act, to enjoin someone is also Mustahab. Since Munkar (Bad Acts) actually means forbidden or Haraam acts, forbidding from it is also obligatory. The obligation in both the things is Kifayi obligation, (i.e. an obligation that suffices if performed by even one Muslim), if it has been performed, it will not be required from others.

