شنبه: 1403/05/6

Rules Regarding Things, which Invalidate a Fast


1662. If a person intentionally and voluntarily commits an act, which invalidates fast, his fast becomes void, but if he does not commit such an act intentionally, there is no objection in it. However, if a person in Janabat sleeps and the details which are mentioned in the rule no. 1640, does not do Ghusl till the Adhan for Fajr prayers, his fast will become void.

شنبه / 25 بهمن / 1393

IX. Vomiting


1655. If a fasting person intentionally vomits, his fast becomes void, though he may have been obliged to do so on account of sickness. However, if one vomits forgetfully or involuntarily, there is no objection in it.

1656. If a person eats something at night knowing that it will involuntarily cause vomiting during the daytime, as per recommended precaution, he should give the Qadha of that fast.



VIII. Enema


1654. If a fasting person takes liquid enema, even if he is obliged to take it for the sake of treatment, his fast becomes void.


VII. Remaining in Janabat or Hayz or Nifas till Adhaan for Fajr Prayer


1628. If a person in Janabat does not take Ghusl intentionally, until the time of Adhaan for Fajr prayers, or if he is obliged to perform Tayammum and if he intentionally avoids it, if his fast is of the month of Ramadhan or in its Qadha his


fast will become void. Moreover, in other fasting, it is recommended that one should not remain in the condition of Janabat until Fajr.


VI. Immersing One's Head in Water


1617. If a fasting person intentionally immerses his entire head into water, even if the rest of his body remains out of water, as per obligatory precaution his fast is void. However, if a person immerses his entire body into water while leaving a small part of head out of water, his fast does not becomes void.


V. Letting Dust Reach One's Throat


1612. Allowing thick dust to reach one's throat makes one's fast void, whether the dust is of something which is Halal to eat, like flour, or of something which is Haraam to consume, like dust or mud, and as per obligatory precaution, one should not allow thin dust also.

1613. If thick dust is whipped up by the wind and in spite of taking notice of it he does not avoids it, allowing the dust to reach his throat, his fast becomes void.


4. دروغ‌بستن به خدا و پیغمبر صلی الله علیه وآله

مسأله 1605. اگر روزه‎دار به گفتن یا به نوشتن یا به اشاره و مانند این‌ها به خدا و پیغمبران و ائمه علیهم السلام عمداً نسبت دروغ بدهد، اگر چه فوراً بگوید دروغ گفتم یا توبه كند روزه او باطل است؛ و بنابر احتیاط واجب نسبت دروغ به حضرت زهراء علیهاالسلام و به جانشینان پیغمبران گذشته هم همین حكم را دارد.


III. Istimna (Masturbation)


1597. If a person who is observing fast, performs masturbation or such an act due to which semen is discharged from his body, his fast becomes void.

1598. If semen is discharged from the body of a person involuntarily, his fast does not become void. However, if he performs such an act that the semen is discharged from his body involuntarily his fast becomes void.


II. Sexual Intercourse


1593. Sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, even though the penetration is as little as the point of circumcision of the male organ, and even if there has been no ejaculation.

1594. If the penetration is less than the point of circumcision of the male organ and if no ejaculation takes place, the fast does not become void.


I. Eating and Drinking


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