شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

III. Istimna (Masturbation)


1597. If a person who is observing fast, performs masturbation or such an act due to which semen is discharged from his body, his fast becomes void.

1598. If semen is discharged from the body of a person involuntarily, his fast does not become void. However, if he performs such an act that the semen is discharged from his body involuntarily his fast becomes void.

1599. If a person, observing fast knows that if he sleeps during the daytime he will become Mohtalim (i.e. semen will be discharged from his body during sleep) as per recommended precaution he should avoid sleeping, even though if he sleeps his, fast does not become void.

1600. If a person, who is observing fast, wakes up from sleep while ejaculation is taking place, it is not obligatory on him to stop it.

1601. A fasting person who has become Mohtalim can urinate, and according to the rule no. 73 mentioned before, he should perform Istebra, even if he knows that by urinating or performing Istebra the remaining semen will flow out from his body.

1602.  If a person who is fasting has become Mohtalim, knows that some semen has remained in his duct, and if he does not urinate before taking Ghusl, it will come out after the Ghusl, as per obligatory precaution he should urinate before taking Ghusl.

1603. If a person who knows that the fast becomes void if he intentionally ejaculates semen from his body and indulges in courtship with an intention to allow semen to be discharged from his body, his fast will become void. Even though the semen has not ejaculated, he should perform its Qadha, and if the semen has ejaculated, he should give its Kaffarah as well. In both the cases in the month of Ramadhan, he should refrain from those acts, which invalidates the fast.
1604. If a fasting person indulges in courtship without the intention of allowing the semen to be discharged from his body, and if he is sure, that the semen will not be discharged, his fast is in order, even if semen may be discharged unexpectedly. However, if he is not sure about that the semen can discharge from his body or not and it takes place, then his fast is void.


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