شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Instances where Qadha and Kaffarah are Obligatory


1667.  If a person who is fasting in the month of Ramadhan becomes Junub (enters the state of Janabat) at night, and according to the details mentioned in the rule no. 1640 wakes up and sleeps again until Adhan for Fajr prayers or if he wakes up, and


sleeps for the third time and does not wake up, he should perform its Qadha. As per recommended precaution, he should give Kaffarah as well for the third time. However, if he knowingly performs such an act, which invalidates a fast, in the case where he knows that performing such an act will invalidate a fast, performing its Qadha and giving its Kaffarah will be obligatory on him. Moreover, the same rulings are for Ghusl Irtemasi as per obligatory precaution. 

1668. If a person unknowingly performs an act, which invalidates a fast, if he was ignorant in knowing the rules, and at the time of performing the act, he presumed that it would invalidate the fast, it is obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah. Moreover, if he was uncertain of the act at the time of performing it, as per precaution it is obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah. However, if he was not ignorant in knowing the rules, it is not obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah.


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