شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

II. Sexual Intercourse


1593. Sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, even though the penetration is as little as the point of circumcision of the male organ, and even if there has been no ejaculation.

1594. If the penetration is less than the point of circumcision of the male organ and if no ejaculation takes place, the fast does not become void.

1595. If a person doubts whether penetration was up to the point of circumcision, Kaffarah is not obligatory on him. However, if he intended to penetrate knowing that it invalidates the fast even though the penetration does not occur or it is doubtful his fast will become void and it is obligatory for him to observe its Qadha.

1596. If a person forgets that he is observing fast and commits sexual intercourse or he is compelled to have sexual intercourse in a manner that makes him helpless, his fast does not become void. However, if he remembers (that he is observing fast) or ceases to be helpless during sexual intercourse, he should withdraw from the sexual intercourse at once, and if he does not, his fast becomes void, like wise if he does sexual intercourse out of fear his fast will become void.


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