شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Rules Regarding the Qadha Fast


1703. If an insane recover from insanity, it will not be obligatory upon him to offer Qadha for the fasts, which he did not observe when he was insane.

1704. If an infidel becomes a Muslim before the Zuhr in the month of Ramadhan, and have not performed such an act, which invalidates a fast as per obligatory precaution he should fast on that day. In addition, if he did not fast on that day he should observe its Qadha. It is not obligatory on him to offer Qadha for the fasts of the period during which he was an infidel. However, if a Muslim becomes an infidel and becomes a Muslim again, he must observe Qadha for the fasts of the period during which he remained an infidel.

1705. A person must offer Qadha for the fasts left out due to being intoxicated, even if he took the intoxicant for the purpose of medical treatment.

1706. If a person did not fast for some days because of some excuse and later doubts about the exact date on which the excuse was over, it will not be obligatory upon him to offer the higher number Qadha as based on his presumption. For example, if a person travelled before the commencement of the month of Ramadhan, and now he does not remember whether he returned on the fifth of Ramadhan or on the sixth, or if he travelled in the last days of the month of Ramadhan and returned after Ramadhan, and now does not remember whether he travelled on the 25th of Ramadhan or on the 26th, in both the cases, he can observe Qadha based on the lesser number of days, that is, five days. However, as per the recommended precaution he should offer Qadha for the higher number of days, i.e. six days.

1707. If a person has to observe Qadha for the fast of Ramadhan of several years, he can begin with the Qadha of Ramadhan of any year, as he likes. However, if the time for Qadha fasts of the last Ramadhan is short, like, if he has to observe five Qadha fasts of the last Ramadhan and only five days are left before the commencement of next Ramadhan, as per recommended precaution he should observe Qadha fasts of last Ramadhan.


1708. If a person has Qadha fasts of the month of Ramadhan for several years, and while making Niyyat he does not specify to which year the fasts belongs, they will not be reckoned to be the Qadha of the last year and its Kaffarah will not be nullified.

1709. A person who observes a Qadha for the fast of Ramadhan can break his fast before Zuhr. Provided that the time for Qadha fast is not short.

1710. If a person observes Qadha fast of a dead person, as per obligatory precaution it shall not be broken after Zuhr.

1711. If a person does not observe the fasts of the month of Ramadhan due to illness, Haidh or Nifas and dies before he/she can perform its Qadha in time, he/she will not have any Qadha liability.


1712. If a person does not fast in the month of Ramadhan due to illness and his illness continues until next Ramadhan, it is not obligatory on him to observe Qadha of the fasts, which he had not observed in the previous Ramadhan. However, for each fast he should give one Mudd that is equal to ten Seer of food like, wheat, barley, bread etc. to poor. Moreover, if he did not observe fast due to some other excuse, like, if he did not fast because of travelling and his excuse continued until next Ramadhan, he should observe its Qadha fasts, and as per the obligatory precaution for each day, he should give one Mudd of food to poor as well.

1713. If a person did not fast in Ramadhan due to illness, and he ceases to remain ill after Ramadhan, but there emerged another excuse due to which he could not observe the Qadha fasts until next Ramadhan, he should offer Qadha for the fasts, which he did not observe. In addition, if he had an excuse other than illness during Ramadhan, and that excuse ended after Ramadhan, but he then fell ill and due to illness, he could not give its Qadha until next Ramadhan, he will perform the Qadha for the fasts he did not observe, as per recommended precaution, he should also give its Kaffarah.

1714. If a person does not observe fasts in the month of Ramadhan owing to some excuse and his excuse ceased to remain after Ramadhan. Yet he does not observe the Qadha fasts intentionally until next Ramadhan, he has to perform its Qadha and for each day, he should give one Mudd of wheat or barley or the likes of them to poor.

1715. If a person deliberately ignores observing Qadha for a fast until the time left is short, and during that short time, he develops an excuse due to which he could not fast before the next Ramadhan, he should perform its Qadha afterwards. In addition,


for each day he should give one Mudd of wheat or barley or the likes of them to poor, although when he has the excuse, he was determined to perform its Qadha after the excuse ceases to remain.

1716. If the illness of a person continues for years, he should, after being cured, observe the Qadha fasts of the last Ramadhan, and for each day of the earlier years, he should give one Mudd of wheat or barley or the likes of them to poor.

1717. A person who has to give one Mudd of food to poor for each day, he can give Kaffarah of few days to one poor person.

1718. If a person delays observing Qadha fasts of the month of Ramadhan for a few years, he should perform its Qadha and for each day, he should give one Mudd of food to poor.


1719. If a person does not observe fasts of the month of Ramadhan intentionally, he should perform its Qadha and for each day left out, he should observe fast for two months or feed sixty poor persons or set a slave free. Moreover, if he does not observe the Qadha until next Ramadhan, giving one Mudd of food for each day is obligatory as per precaution.


1720. If a person does not observe fast of the month of Ramadhan intentionally, and commits sexual intercourse several times, as per obligatory precaution, the Kaffarah will multiply together with it. However, if he performs other acts, which invalidate the fast, like eating several times, one Kaffarah will suffice.

1721. After the death of a father, or, as per obligatory precaution, mother their eldest son should observe their Qadha prayer and observe their Qadha fast according to the explanations of rule no. 1399.

1722. If a father or mother had not observed obligatory fasts other than the fasts of the month of Ramadhan, like, that of a Nadhr, as per recommended precaution, the eldest son should observe its Qadha.


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