شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Fasting by a Traveler


1723. A traveler for whom it is obligatory to shorten a four Rak’at prayer to two Rak’ats, should not fast. However, a traveler who offers full prayers, like, a person who is a traveler by profession or whose purpose of the journey is Haraam, should fast while travelling.

1724. There is no harm in travelling during the month of Ramadhan, but travelling to evade fasting is Makrooh.

1725. If it is obligatory on a person to observe a fast on a particular day other than the fasts of Ramadhan, for example, he had vowed to fast on a particular day, as per recommended precaution he should not travel unless it becomes inevitable. Moreover, if he is already on a journey, if it is possible as per recommended precaution, he should make the intention to stay there for 10 days and he should fast on that day.

1726. If a person makes a vow to observe a fast and does not specify any day for it, he cannot keep the fast while travelling. However, if he makes a vow that he will observe fast on a particular day during a journey, he should observe that fast during the journey. In addition, if he makes a vow that he will observe a fast on a particular day, whether he is on a journey on that day or not, he should observe the fasts on that day even if he is on a journey.

1727. A traveler can observe Mustahab fasts in the city of Madinah for three days with the intention of praying for the fulfilment of his wish.

1728. If a person does not know that the fast of a traveler is invalid and observes a fast while on the journey, and learns about the rule during the daytime, his fast becomes void, but if he does not learn about the rule until Maghrib, his fast is valid.

1729. If a person forgets that he is a traveler or forgets that the fast of a traveler is void, and observes a fast while on a journey, his fast is invalid.

1730. If a fasting person travels after Zuhr, he should complete his fast. Moreover, if had an intention from the previous night to do so, as per recommended precaution,


he should perform its Qadha. If he travels before Zuhr and reaches the limit of Tarakhkhus i.e. the place from where neither he can see the walls of the city nor can hear the Azaan from there; he should not have the intention of the fast. Moreover, if he had not intended to travel on the previous night, as per recommended precaution, he should complete the fast and observe its Qadha as well. In addition, if he returns to his hometown before Zuhr without invalidating his fast, when he reaches the limit of Tarakhkhus, he should make an intention to fast and his fast is valid.

1731. If a traveler reaches his hometown before Zuhr or a place where he intends to stay for ten days, and if he has not committed an act, which invalidates a fast, he should fast on that day. However, if he has committed such an act, he cannot fast on that day.


1732. If a traveler reaches his hometown after Zuhr, or a place where he intends to stay for ten days, he should not fast on that day.


1733. It is Makrooh, for a traveler and for a person who cannot fast owing to some excuse, to have sexual intercourse or to eat or drink to his fill, during the daytime in Ramadhan.
