شنبه: 6/مرد/1403 (السبت: 20/محرم/1446)

Occasions on which it is Obligatory to give its Qadha Only


1697. In following cases, it is obligatory upon a person to observe Qadha fast only and it is not obligatory upon him to give its Kaffarah:

First: If he becomes Junub in the night of Ramadhan and as explained in rule no. 1640 does not wake up from his second sleep till the time of Fajr prayers. However, in the third sleep as per recommended precaution he should give its Kaffarah.

Second: If he does not commit an act, which invalidates a fast but did not make an intention to observe fast, or fasts to show off, or intends not to fast at all, or decides to commit an act, which invalidates a fast.

Third: If he forgets to perform Ghusl of Janabat during the month of Ramadhan and fasts for one or more days in the state of Janabat.

Forth: If in the month of Ramadhan, a man without investigating as to whether Fajr has set in or not commits an act, which invalidates a fast, and it later became evident on him that it was Fajr. Likewise, after the investigation, even though he assumes that the Fajr has set in, performs an act, which invalidates a fast and later it became evident on him that it was Fajr, it is obligatory upon him to observe its Qadha. Even after the investigation if he doubts that whether the Fajr have set in or not, assumes that it is not Fajr and performs such an act, which invalidates a fast and later comes to know that it was Fajr, as per obligatory precaution, he should observe its Qadha.

Fifth: If someone informs him that it is not Fajr yet, and based on this statement he commits an act which invalidates a fast, and later it became evident on him that it was Fajr.

Sixth: If someone informs him, that it is Fajr and does not believe on this statement or if he thinks that the fellow is jesting, and perform such an act, which invalidates a fast and later it became evident that it was Fajr.


Seventh: If a blind person, or the likes of him, breaks his fast relying on the statement of another person, and later it became evident that it was not Maghrib.

Eighth: When a person is certain that Maghrib has set in, and breaks his fast accordingly, and later he learns that it was not Maghrib, or if he was doubtful whether it was Maghrib or not. Moreover, breaks his fast and later it became evident upon him that it was not Maghrib, it is obligatory for him to give its Kaffarah. However if he believed that Maghrib had set in because of cloudy weather, and broke his fast, and later it became evident upon him that Maghrib had not set in, it is not obligatory for him to perform its Qadha.

Ninth: When one rinses his mouth with water to feel its freshness and the water uncontrollably goes down his throat, or if he rinses without any reason and water goes down his throat, as per obligatory precaution he should perform its Qadha. However, if he forgets that he is fasting and the water goes down his throat or if rinses his mouth with water for Wudhu and unintentionally it goes down his throat, it is not obligatory for him to perform its Qadha.

Tenth: If a person breaks his fast due to unusual conditions or helplessness or Taqayyah, he should observe Qadha of the fast, but it is not obligatory upon him to give its Kaffarah.

1698. If a fasting person puts something other than water in his mouth and it goes down the throat involuntarily, or puts water in his nose and it goes down involuntarily, it will not be obligatory upon him to observe its Qadha.


1699. It is Makrooh to do excessive mouth rinsing for a fasting person, and after the mouthwash if he wishes to swallow the saliva, it is better that he spits the saliva out three times before doing so.


1700. If a person knows or feels that if he rinses his mouth, water will flow down his throat involuntarily or forgetfully, he should avoid it.


1701. If in the month of Ramadhan, a person becomes sure after investigation that it is not Fajr and commits an act, which invalidates a fast, and it is later learns that it was already Fajr, it will not be necessary upon him to offer its Qadha.


1702. If a person doubts whether or not Maghrib has set in, he cannot break his fast. However, if he doubts whether it is Fajr, he can perform the acts, which invalidates a fast, even before investigating about Fajr.

