شنبه: 1403/05/6

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2044. Hajj (pilgrimage) means visiting the House of Allah (Ka'bah), and performing all those worshipful acts which have been ordered to be performed there. It is obligatory on a person once in his lifetime, provided that he fulfils the following conditions:

1.He should be Baligh and sane.
2.He should free.
3.Because of proceeding for Hajj, he should not be obliged to commit a Haraam act, avoidance of which is more important than Hajj, nor should he be compelled to forsake an obligatory act which is more important than Hajj.
4.He should be capable of performing Hajj, and this depends upon number of factors:

First: He should possess provisions and means for transportation, if need be, or he should have enough money to buy them.

Second: He should be healthy and strong enough to go to Mecca and perform Hajj.

Third: There should be no obstacle on the way. If the way is closed, or if a person fears that he will lose his life, or honour, while on his way, or he will be robbed off his property, it is not obligatory on him to perform Hajj. However, if he can go through another route, he should go to perform Hajj, even if the other route is longer than the first one.

Fourth: He should have enough time to perform all the acts of worship in Hajj.

Fifth: He should possess sufficient money to meet the expenses of his dependents whose maintenance is obligatory on him, for example, his wife and children, as well as the expenses of those whom he normally have to pay.

Sixth: On return from Hajj, he should have some means of livelihood, for example, income from the employment, farming, property, etc. so that he may not lead a life of hardship.


2045. When a person’s need is not fulfilled without owning a house, performance of Hajj will be obligatory on him if he also possesses money for the house.  

2046. If a wife can go to Mecca but does not have any means of support on her return, and if her husband is also poor, and cannot provide her subsistence, subjecting her to a hard life, Hajj will not be obligatory on her.

2047. If a person does not possess necessary provision for the journey, nor any means of transport, and another person asks him to go for Hajj undertaking to meet his expenses as well as of his family during his Hajj, and he (i.e. the person who is asked to go for Hajj) is satisfied with what the other man offers, Hajj becomes obligatory on him, even if he is indebted and does not have the means to support him on his return.

2048. If a person is offered the expenses of his return journey from Mecca, as well as the expenses of his family during the period of Hajj, Hajj becomes obligatory on him, even if he is indebted, and does not possess means to support him and to lead his life after his return.


2049. If a person is given expenses of his return journey from Mecca, and the expenses of his family during that period, and is asked to go to Hajj without making it his property, performance of Hajj becomes obligatory on him, if he is satisfied that it will not be taken back from him.


2050. If a person is given an amount to cover expenses just sufficient for Hajj, with a condition that on his way to Mecca he will serve the person who gave the expenses, Hajj does not become obligatory on him.  


2051. If a person is given monetary help to enable him to perform obligatory Hajj, and he does perform Hajj, another Hajj will not become obligatory on him if he himself becomes wealthy.


2052. If a person goes, for example, to Jeddah in connection with trade, and acquires sufficient money to go to Mecca from there only, he should perform Hajj. And if he performs Hajj, performance of another Hajj will not be obligatory on him, if he later acquires enough wealth which enables him to go to Mecca from his hometown.

2053. If a person is hired to perform Hajj on behalf of another person, but he cannot go for Hajj himself, and wishes to send someone else in place of himself, he should seek permission from the person who hired him.

2054. If a person could afford to perform Hajj but did not perform it, and then became poor, he should perform Hajj facing all odds. And if he is not at all able to go for Hajj, and if another person hires him for Hajj, he should go to Mecca and perform Hajj on behalf of the person who has hired him. He should then remain in Mecca for a year and perform his own Hajj. However, if it is possible that he is hired and he receives his wages in cash, and the person who hires him agrees that he may perform Hajj on his behalf next year, he should perform his own Hajj in the first year, and that on behalf of that person who has hired him, in the following year.  


2055. If a person goes to Mecca, in the year in which he can afford to perform Hajj, but cannot reach Arafat and Mash’arul Haraam at the prescribed time, and cannot afford to go for Hajj during the succeeding years, Hajj is not obligatory on him. But, if he could afford to go for Hajj in the earlier years, and did not go, he should perform Hajj in spite of all difficulties.

2056. If a person did not perform Hajj in the year in which he could afford to go for Hajj, and later he cannot perform Hajj owing to old age, or ailment, or weakness, and becomes hopeless that he himself would not be able to perform Hajj in the future, he should send someone else to perform Hajj on his behalf. In fact, even if a person


becomes capable of going to Hajj for the first time and is prevented to perform Hajj because of old age, ailment or weakness, as per obligatory precaution he should send someone else on behalf of himself to perform Hajj. In all these cases it is recommended that he should hire someone on his behalf, who is going to Hajj for the first time.


2057. A person who has been hired by another person to perform Hajj should perform Tawafun Nisa on his behalf, failing which his own wife (i.e. the wife of the hired person) becomes Haraam for him.


2058. If a person does not perform Tawafun Nisa correctly, or forgets to perform it, and remembers it after a few days and returns to perform it, his action is in order.








کليد واژه:

Saturday / 27 July / 2024