شنبه: 1403/05/6

Social Issues of Islam


2871. To believe in the basic principles of religion and fundamentals of Islam is obligatory on every Muslim.

2872. Learning and teaching those sciences and arts which are useful for general people is highly obligatory on every one as Wajib Kifayi. As well as those sciences and arts which are helpful for strengthening and grandeur of Muslim society, and giving defensive superiority and advancement over the non-believers is obligatory, and Muslims should strengthen themselves in such a way that non – believers become heedless towards the land, women, properties, natural resources and wealth.

2873. One of the most important teachings of Islam is paying attention towards the education and upbringing of children and taking good care of their educational and ethical progress.

2874. Sending children to schools, colleges and kindergartens where Islamic teachings, honesty and the interest of the authority and teachers of the school is not in the Islamic traditions, and also their mind, belief and ethics are at the exposure of deviation, is not permissible.

2875. Non – Muslims have no right to establish a school in an Islamic country and take the responsibility of education and upbringing of Muslim children, and it is not permissible for Muslim parents to send their children to their kindergartens and schools.

2876. Establishing a co-educational school; whether it is primary school or of higher education, teaching in those schools, sending children to those schools and supporting them is not permissible.

2877. It is obligatory on Muslims to establish their own schools, colleges and universities according to the teachings of holy religion of Islam and its religious programs, if there are not enough schools, colleges and universities of sciences and arts, which do not have leniency towards the Islamic etiquettes, tradition and laws.


It should be managed in such a way that even a poor student who has a high potential and aptitude could continue his studies to the highest level.

2878. There is great reward if the sole purpose of the students who are attaining knowledge, irrespective of their fields, is to serve the society, to glorify the image of Islam and to make Muslims independent from the need of others.

2879. It is not permissible to attend the class of a teacher who has inappropriate beliefs, and propagates indirectly against Islam in the middle of his lectures.

2880. Buying and selling products and commodities of those non – Muslims, who are at war with Muslims, if it makes them strong and Muslims weak, is not permissible, except in case of emergency and dire need, such as in case of treating a patient etc.

2881. As per Wajib Kifayi, it is obligatory upon Muslim businessmen and traders to avoid the influence of native and foreign enemies in the matter of business, industries and trading institutions, they should support and consult each other and should avoid establishing similar kinds of companies. They should also not let the strayed sects and non – Muslims take control over the economic issues of Muslims and by every mean possible they should try to stop them.

2882. It is not permissible to support and participate in the cultural institutions of strangers and strayed sects, as they were and are one the major factors of the imperialism, and are weakening the Muslims and strengthening the non – Muslims.

2883. It is Haraam to participate in the gathering and ceremonies of heretics and strayed sects, except to refute them if possible.

2884. It is Haraam to indulge in acts which are against the rituals, rules and laws of holy religion of Islam, and it is obligatory on every Muslim to refrain himself from it.

2885. Collaborating with non-Muslims against the profit of Muslims and relying on them and associating with them, all these acts are among the greater sins.

2886. It is Haraam to build or establish a place for the purpose of unlawful and corrupt activities, as well as visiting them. Similarly, renting a house or a place for such purposes is also Haraam.


2887. A person should earn his living through a righteous and legitimate way. It is Haraam to earn living by illegitimate ways such as gambling, stealing, charging interest, music and singing, and all other newly invented Haraam games.

2888. The thing which has the highest importance is the wealth, life and honor of a Muslim and no one has the right to violate it without the permission of Shari’ah.

2889. A Muslim’s house is honorable and it is not permissible to enter it without the owner’s permission. Moreover, it is not permissible to peep into others house from the terraces, wall-openings or windows.

2890. Selling, purchasing, aiding and reading any such publications, newspapers and magazines that are misguiding and deviating, is Haraam. However, it is permissible to read them in order to get aware about the prevalent corruptions and eradicate them if possible, but only for those who are capable and appropriate for its eradication.

2891. It is among our duties to support, help and cooperate with the authentic and reliable publications. It is one of those affairs which can help in the propagation and spreading of Islamic teachings and values.

2892. Supporting the oppressors and those who possess hostility and enmity towards the religion and its commands, and cooperating with them in their atrocities and oppression, is considered a violation of the religion’s sanctity and is Haraam.

2893. It is obligatory on Muslims to maintain and manage their social rights and relations according to the rulings of Islam, and they must refrain from innovations and foreign traditions.

2894. Those who are not religious, who do not abide by the Islamic rulings, who do not offer prayers, keep fasts and perform their religious duties, are not eligible to undertake the social and public posts of an Islamic government. And if they are allotted such posts, it will be considered usurpation and violation of public rights.

2896. It is the duty of every Muslim to work for the progress of the economic and social affairs of other Muslims, because as per the Holy Prophet’s saying: “Whoever wakes up in the morning and is not concerned with the affairs of the Muslims, then he is not from them.”

2897. Muslims must build the habit of being generous with each other and cooperate with their brotherhood; and with regard to the disbelievers, they must remain stern


and refrain from giving them any kind of dominance and power over the affairs of Muslims.

2898. The good behaviour of a Muslim towards another Muslim or a stranger must be established on the basis of Islamic teachings in the utmost moderate way and he should be benevolent towards everyone.

2899. It is not permissible to travel towards the non-Islamic countries and places where one cannot perform his Islamic duties, except in the case of necessity and for showing them the right way.

2900. Usurping people’s wealth is Haraam. It is not permissible to use even the smallest of thing from others wealth without his agreement.

2901. Giving interest, taking interest and any kind of transaction dealing with usury; either with an individual or an organization like bank and other firms, is Haraam.

2902. Since the economy and trade of Muslim society has become dependent on banks due to our ignorance, until the banks do not match their whereabouts with the economic teachings of Islam, the powerful Muslims should establish Islamic Credit Institutions (Qardh ul Hasanah) with each other’s cooperation as a replacement for this common practice of openly opposing the rulings of Almighty Allah.

2903. Muslims must observe the Islamic commands while trading, transacting and in all the events and relations between themselves and others; and they must refrain from fraud, underweight selling, treachery and extortion.

2904. Muslims must inquire about those unknown people who wear the attire of clergymen and religious students. If they hold a position other than the position of clergymen and jurisprudents – who are the representatives of the Guardian of Time (may Allah hasten His reappearance) - they must distance themselves from them and refrain from their misguidance and misdirection.

2905. It is Haraam and against the Shari’ah to have disposal over and interfere in the affairs of such Waqf societies, (Ghuyyab and Qussar), Masjids, Madrasas and libraries of Waqf which does not have an allotted guardian, for those who are not Mujtahids, that meet all the conditions, or the ones who do have the permission from Mujtahids. It is also not permissible to have disposal over the sums of money given by them. 

2906. The agents and workers of the enemies, who introduce themselves as the propagators and preachers of religion, but instead cooperate with the enemies and


their programs, their sin is more than others. It is compulsory for the Muslims to stay away from them and not get deceived by their apparent dressing and words.

2907.  If a Muslim has the ability to take his society and nation towards the path where the Islamic laws can be established, then he must act upon it; and it is obligatory for the Muslims to support the people with such intention and cooperate with them.

2908. It is not permissible for men to cooperate with the foreign and strange women in the trade and administrative affairs in such a way that it is seen as the imitation of the foreign powers – like not staying away from the forbidden things and not observing the Sharia rulings.

2909. No one has the right to sentence anyone citing any law other than the Islamic law in the case of judgment, be it the case of penal affairs or civil affairs.

2910. No Muslim individual, with the excuse of acting upon the orders of his superior, has the right to enforce an illegal order, or extend his support towards him in forbidding the Islamic values, and usurping the rights and legal freedom, and in anti-Islamic acts.

2911. It is Haraam to make a law that is against the Sharia and force people to act upon it. It is also Haraam to support the enforcers of these laws.

2912. It is obligatory on every Muslim to fight against the economic, intellectual and political influence of foreign powers in Islamic countries; and it is Haraam to support them in anyway.

2913. It is not permissible to deprive people of their legal freedom and oppress them in their affairs.

2914. It is Haraam to build a sculpture and show humility before it; it is also Haraam to honour and respect such idols and place them on crossroads and open areas.

2915. It is Haraam for women to wear the clothes that are specifically for men and it is also Haraam for men to wear the clothes that are specifically for women.

2916. It is not permissible to recruit the disbelievers; irrespective of Zimmi or non-Zimmi; in the administrations and organizations which supervise the enforcements and defense affairs of an Islamic country. The guardians, officers, judges and holder of other such positions must all be Muslims.



Saturday / 27 July / 2024