شنبه: 1403/05/6

Rules of slaughtering and hunting of animals


2592. If an animal whose meat is Halal to eat, is slaughtered in the manner which will be described later, irrespective of whether the animal is domestic or wild, its meat becomes Halal and its body becomes Pak after it has died. However, those animal, who are habituated to eating human excrement, if are not subjected to Istibra according to the rules mentioned in the Shari’ah, and also those animal with whom (God forbid!) a person has a sexual intercourse, its meat will not become Halal, even after they are slaughtered (according to the rules of Shari’ah). 

2593. If a wild animal like deer, partridge and wild goat whose meat is Halal to eat, or a Halal animal which was a domestic one but turned wild later, like, a cow or a camel which runs away and becomes wild, and is not easily slaughtered, if it is hunted in accordance with the laws which will be explained later, it is Pak and Halal to eat. But, a domestic animal like sheep and fowl whose meat is Halal to eat, or tamed wild animal whose meat is Halal to eat does not become Pak and Halal by hunting.

2594. A wild animal whose meat is Halal to eat becomes Pak and Halal to eat by hunting if it is capable of running away or flying. Based on this, the young one of a deer which cannot run away, and the young one of a partridge which cannot fly, do not become Pak and Halal to eat by hunting. And if a deer and its young one which cannot run are hunted with one bullet, the deer will be Halal but its young one will be Haraam to eat.

2595. If an animal like fish, whose meat is Halal to eat and whose blood does not gush, dies a natural death, or it is hunted against the law of Shari’ah, which will be mentioned later under the rules of hunting of fish, it is Pak but its meat cannot be eaten.


2596. The dead body of an animal whose meat is Haraam to eat, and whose blood does not gush, like, a snake, does not become Halal by slaughtering. However, body of a dead snake is Pak, whether it dies a natural death or is slaughtered. 

2597. Dogs and pigs do not become Pak by slaughtering and hunting and it is also Haraam to eat their meat. And if a wild and flesh – eating animal, whose meat is Haraam to eat, like wolf and leopard is slaughtered in the manner which will be mentioned later, or is hunted by means of bullet etc. it is Pak, but its meat does not become Halal for consumption. And if it is hunted down by a hunting dog, then there is Ishkal (objection) in considering its body as Pak.

2598. Elephant, bear, monkey, mice and animals who live in the underground holes, like, snakes and lizards, if they have gushing blood, and if it dies its natural death, it is Najis. In fact, if they are slaughtered or hunted down, there is Ishkal in considering its body as Pak, and as per obligatory precaution, one should avoid it.

2599. If a dead young is born from the body of a living animal, or is brought out of it, it is Haraam to eat its meat.



Saturday / 27 July / 2024