شنبه: 1403/05/6

VI. Immersing One's Head in Water


1617. If a fasting person intentionally immerses his entire head into water, even if the rest of his body remains out of water, as per obligatory precaution his fast is void. However, if a person immerses his entire body into water while leaving a small part of head out of water, his fast does not becomes void.

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

V. Letting Dust Reach One's Throat


1612. Allowing thick dust to reach one's throat makes one's fast void, whether the dust is of something which is Halal to eat, like flour, or of something which is Haraam to consume, like dust or mud, and as per obligatory precaution, one should not allow thin dust also.

1613. If thick dust is whipped up by the wind and in spite of taking notice of it he does not avoids it, allowing the dust to reach his throat, his fast becomes void.


III. Istimna (Masturbation)


1597. If a person who is observing fast, performs masturbation or such an act due to which semen is discharged from his body, his fast becomes void.

1598. If semen is discharged from the body of a person involuntarily, his fast does not become void. However, if he performs such an act that the semen is discharged from his body involuntarily his fast becomes void.


II. Sexual Intercourse


1593. Sexual intercourse invalidates the fast, even though the penetration is as little as the point of circumcision of the male organ, and even if there has been no ejaculation.

1594. If the penetration is less than the point of circumcision of the male organ and if no ejaculation takes place, the fast does not become void.


I. Eating and Drinking



Things that invalidate a Fast


1581. Nine acts that invalidates fast are as follows:


Niyyat for Fasting



Rules of Fasting



Fasting means that a person must avoid all those things, in obedience to the commands of Allah, from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers until Maghrib, which will be described later, which invalidates the fasting.

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Rules of Namaz


Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Rulings regarding Compromise


2168. Compromise means that a person agrees to give to another person his own property or a part of the profit gained from it, or waives or forgoes a debt, or some right, and that other person also gives him in return, some property or profit from it, or waives hi debt or right in consideration of it; and even if a person gives to another person his property or profit from it, or waives his debt or right without claiming any consideration, the compromise will be in order.



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