شنبه: 1403/05/6

Niyyat for Fasting


1559. It is not obligatory for a person to make the intension (Niyyat) in his mind or to say that he would be fasting on the following day. In fact, it is sufficient for him that in obedience to the command of Allah he will not perform from the time of Adhan for Fajr prayers up to Maghrib any activity that may invalidate the fast. And in order to ensure that he has been fasting throughout this time, he should begin abstaining from those acts which invalidate the fasting prior to the Adhan for Fajr prayers, and continue to refrain from them some time after Maghrib.

1560. A person can make the intention every night of the holy month of Ramadhan that he would be fasting on the following day, and it is better to make the intension on the first night of Ramadhan that he will fast throughout the month.

1561. The time to make the intention for fasting for the month of Ramadhan is from the beginning of the night up to Adhan of Fajr prayer.

1562. As for Mustahab fast, one can make its intention at any time of the day, even moments before Maghrib - provided he has not committed any such act, which invalidates the fast.


1563. If a person sleeps before Adhan for Fajr prayers without making an intention of fast, and wakes up before Zuhr and makes an intention of fast, his fast will be in order whether it was his Wajib fast or Mustahab. However, if he wakes up after Zuhr, he cannot make an intention of a Wajib fast but in case of Wajib e Madheeq, like the


fast of Ramadhan, as per obligatory precaution, he should make an intention of Reja’, continue with the abstinence, and then perform its Qadha also.


1564. If a person intends to keep a fast other than the fast of Ramadhan, he should specify that fast; for example, he should specify if it is a Qadha fast or a fast to fulfil a vow. On the other hand, it is not necessary that a person should specify in his intention that he is going to observe a fast of Ramadhan and similarly for the Mustahab fast, and those fast whose time is specific. In fact, if a person is not aware or forgets that it is the month of Ramadhan and makes an intention to observe some other fast, it will be considered as the fast of Ramadhan.


1565. If a person knows that it is the month of Ramadhan, yet intentionally makes an intention of observing a fast other than the fast of the month of Ramadhan his fast will neither be reckoned as a fast of the month of Ramadhan nor as a fast of which he made the intention of.


1566. If a person observes fast with an intention of the first day of a month and later understands that it was the second or third of that month, his fast is in order.


1567. If a person makes an intention before Adhan for Fajr prayers to observe a fast and then becomes unconscious and regains his senses during the daytime, he should as per obligatory precaution, complete the fast of that day, and if he does not complete it, he should observe its Qadha.


1568. If a person makes an intention before the Adhan for Fajr prayers to observe a fast and then gets intoxicated and during the daytime comes to his senses, as per precautionary measures, he should maintain abstinence from those acts which invalidates a fast and should also give its Qadha.


1569. If a person makes an intention to observe a fast before the Adhan for Fajr prayers, and then goes to sleep, and wakes up after Maghrib his fast is in order.


1570. If a person does not know or forgets that it is the month of Ramadhan, and becomes aware of this before Zuhr and has not performed any act, which invalidates a fast, he should make an intention and his fast is in order. However, if he has performed any such act that invalidates a fast or he becomes aware after Zuhr that it is the month of Ramadhan his fast becomes void. Nevertheless, he should not perform any act until Maghrib, which invalidates a fast and he should observe Qadha of that fast after the month of Ramadhan.



1571. If a child reaches the age of puberty before the Adhan for Fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan, he should keep fast and if he reaches the age of puberty before the Adhan for Zuhr and has not performed any such act which invalidates a fast, he should make an intention and observe the fast.


1572. If a person, who has been hired to observe fasts of a dead person, observes Mustahab fasts, there is no objection in it. However, if a person has his own Qadha of fasts or any other Wajib fast, he cannot observe Mustahab fasts. If he forgets this, and observes a Mustahab fast and remembers it before Zuhr, his Mustahab fast will be void and he can convert his intention to the Wajib fast. Moreover, if he becomes aware of the situation after Zuhr his fast is void and if he remembers this after Maghrib, the validity of his fast is not definite.


1573. If it is obligatory for a person to observe a specific fast other than the fast of the month of Ramadhan, for example, if he has vowed that he would observe fast on a particular day, and he does not make an intention purposely until the Adhan for Fajr prayers, his fast is void. And if he does not know that it is obligatory for him to fast on that day or forgets it and remembers it before Zuhr, and if he has not performed any act which invalidates the fast, he should immediately make an intention to fast, his fast is in order, otherwise it is void.


1574. If a person has an obligatory fast that has no fixed time, like a fast of Kaffarah and he purposely does not make an intention until Zuhr, there is no objection in it. In fact, if he had decided before making an intention that he would not fast, or was uncertain as to whether he should or should not fast, if he has not performed any act that invalidates a fast, and decides before Zuhr to fast, his fast will be in order.


1575. If a non-Muslim embraces Islam in the month of Ramadhan before Zuhr, he should, based on precaution, make an intention to fast, and complete it only if he had not performed any act which would invalidates a fast.


1576. If a patient recovers from his illness before Zuhr in the month of Ramadhan, it is not obligatory for him to make an intention for a fast in case if he has not performed anything which invalidates a fast.


1577. If it is doubtful for a person whether it is the last day of Sha'ban or the first day of Ramadhan, then it is not obligatory for him to fast on that day. However, if he wants to observe fast on that day he cannot do so with the intention of observing the fast of Ramadhan, and as per the precautionary measures, he should make an


intention of a Qadha fast or a fast of similar type. However, if it is known later that it was Ramadhan, then it will be considered as a Ramadhan fast.

1578. If it is doubtful whether it is the last day of Sha'ban or the first day of Ramadhan, a person should observe a fast with the intension of Qadha or a Mustahab fast or a fast of similar type. Moreover, during the daytime, he comprehends that it is the first day of Ramadhan; he should make an intention for the fast of Ramadhan.

1579. If somebody is undecided in his intention about an obligatory fast of which the time is fixed whether to break it or not, like that of Ramadhan, or decides to break the fast, immediately his fast becomes invalid. However, if he is repentant of his intention and has not performed such act which invalidates a fast.

1580. If a person while observing a Mustahab fast or an obligatory fast, of which the time is not fixed, like that of fast of Kaffarah, intends to break the fast by performing such an act which invalidates a fast or wavers whether or not he should do so, if he does not break it, he should make a fresh intention before Zuhr in the case of an obligatory fast, and before Maghrib in the case of a Mustahab fast, and in this way, his fast will be in order.



کليد واژه:

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Islamic Laws (Taudheeh Al-Masail)