شنبه: 1403/05/6

Fasting by a Traveler


1723. A traveler for whom it is obligatory to shorten a four Rak’at prayer to two Rak’ats, should not fast. However, a traveler who offers full prayers, like, a person who is a traveler by profession or whose purpose of the journey is Haraam, should fast while travelling.

1724. There is no harm in travelling during the month of Ramadhan, but travelling to evade fasting is Makrooh.

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Rules Regarding the Qadha Fast


1703. If an insane recover from insanity, it will not be obligatory upon him to offer Qadha for the fasts, which he did not observe when he was insane.


Occasions on which it is Obligatory to give its Qadha Only


1697. In following cases, it is obligatory upon a person to observe Qadha fast only and it is not obligatory upon him to give its Kaffarah:

First: If he becomes Junub in the night of Ramadhan and as explained in rule no. 1640 does not wake up from his second sleep till the time of Fajr prayers. However, in the third sleep as per recommended precaution he should give its Kaffarah.


Kaffarah for the Fast


1669. A person on whom it is obligatory to give Kaffarah for the fast of Ramadhan:


Instances where Qadha and Kaffarah are Obligatory


1667.  If a person who is fasting in the month of Ramadhan becomes Junub (enters the state of Janabat) at night, and according to the details mentioned in the rule no. 1640 wakes up and sleeps again until Adhan for Fajr prayers or if he wakes up, and



Things, which are Makrooh for a Person Observing Fast


1666. Certain things are Makrooh for a person observing fast, some of them are as follows:


Rules Regarding Things, which Invalidate a Fast


1662. If a person intentionally and voluntarily commits an act, which invalidates fast, his fast becomes void, but if he does not commit such an act intentionally, there is no objection in it. However, if a person in Janabat sleeps and the details which are mentioned in the rule no. 1640, does not do Ghusl till the Adhan for Fajr prayers, his fast will become void.


IX. Vomiting


1655. If a fasting person intentionally vomits, his fast becomes void, though he may have been obliged to do so on account of sickness. However, if one vomits forgetfully or involuntarily, there is no objection in it.

1656. If a person eats something at night knowing that it will involuntarily cause vomiting during the daytime, as per recommended precaution, he should give the Qadha of that fast.


Saturday / 27 July / 2024

VIII. Enema


1654. If a fasting person takes liquid enema, even if he is obliged to take it for the sake of treatment, his fast becomes void.

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VII. Remaining in Janabat or Hayz or Nifas till Adhaan for Fajr Prayer


1628. If a person in Janabat does not take Ghusl intentionally, until the time of Adhaan for Fajr prayers, or if he is obliged to perform Tayammum and if he intentionally avoids it, if his fast is of the month of Ramadhan or in its Qadha his


fast will become void. Moreover, in other fasting, it is recommended that one should not remain in the condition of Janabat until Fajr.



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