شنبه: 1403/05/6

Mustahab acts while slaughtering animals


2608. Certain acts are Mustahab in slaughtering the animals:

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Method of slaughtering a Camel


2604. If one wants to slaughter a camel so that it becomes Pak and Halal after it has died, it is necessary to follow the above mentioned conditions for slaughter and then thrust a knife or any other sharp implement made of iron into the hollow between its neck and chest.


Conditions of slaughtering animals


2603. There are certain conditions for the slaughtering of an animal. They are as follows: -

1. A person, a man or a woman, who slaughters an animal must be a Muslim, and should not display his enmity with the holy household of Prophet (peace be upon Him). An animal can also be slaughtered by a Muslim child who is mature enough to distinguish between good and bad.


Method of slaughtering animals


2600. The method of slaughtering an animal is that Hulqoom (wind pipe), Mar’y (food pipe) and two jugular veins (Shah-rag), which are alongside of wind pipe, which is also called Awdaj Arba’ah (the four main arteries) should be completely cut below the knot of the throat. It is not sufficient to split open these arteries.


Rules of the lost property when found


2573. If a person finds any lost property other than an animal, which does not bear any sign by means of which it may be possible to locate its owner, as per obligatory precaution, he must give it away as Sadaqah on behalf of the owner, whoever he may be.


Usurpation (Ghasb)


Usurpation means that a person unjustly seizes the property or right of another person. This is one of the major sins and one who commits it will be subjected to severe chastisement on the Day of Judgment. It has been reported from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him), “whoever usurps one span of another’s land, seven layers of that land will be put round his neck like a yoke on the Day of Judgment”.

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Miscellaneous rules regarding Divorce


2545. If a man had sexual intercourse with a non - Mahram woman under the impression that she was his wife, the woman should observe ‘Iddah, irrespective of whether she knew that the man was not her husband or thought that perhaps he was her husband.


Mubarat divorce


2540. If the husband and the wife develop mutual aversion and hatred and the woman gives some property to the man so that he may divorce her, this divorce is called ‘Mubarat’.

2541. If the husband wishes to pronounce the formula of Mubarat, and for example, his wife’s name is Fatima he should say:

“Baara’tu Zawjati Fatimata ‘Ala Ma Bazalat Fahiya Taliq”,


Khula’ divorce or Talaqul Khula’


2537. The divorce of a wife who develops an aversion from husband and hates him, and surrenders to him her Mahr or some of her property so that he may divorce her, is called Khula’ Divorce.

2538. If the husband himself wishes to pronounce the formula of Khula’ divorce and his wife’s name is, say, Fatima, he should say after receiving the property:

“Zawjati Fatimatu Khala’tuha ‘Ala Ma Bazalat Hiya Taliq”

Saturday / 27 July / 2024


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