شنبه: 1403/05/6

Social Issues of Islam


2871. To believe in the basic principles of religion and fundamentals of Islam is obligatory on every Muslim.

Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Levels of Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar


2863. Prerequisites of believing in Almighty Allah, in all of his Messengers (peace be upon them all) and having faith in the verdicts and rules of Almighty Allah is that a believer must resent from sins and Munkar from the bottom of his heart and should deny the Munkar from his heart.


Conditions of Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar


2862. There are five conditions of Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar:

1. A person who wants to enjoin or forbid, should know Ma’roof and Munkar himself, and should be certain about the obligations of Ma’roof and Munkar, and should not make mistakes.
2. One should presume that the enjoining and forbidding will be effective. So, if his presumption is not rational, the obligation will be removed.



Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar


(To Enjoin Good Deeds and to Forbid from Bad Acts)


2859. Amr Bil Ma’roof wa Nah’yi ‘Anil Munkar, is one of the important teachings of Islam, and the prestige, status, honor, progress and uplifting of Muslims as well as implementation of Islamic laws and restraining from sin and corruption, and maintenance of social security etc. is all connected to it.




Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Key Money


Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Miscellaneous Rules


2823. If the roots of one’s neighbor’s tree come into the property of a person, it is permissible for him to stop it from growing, and if any damage occurs to him due to the growing root, he can ask for compensation from the owner of the tree.


Rules of Blood Money (Diyat)


Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Rules regarding Penalties and Blood money

(Hudood and Diyat)


Rules of penalties which are specified for some sins



Rules regarding Penalties and Blood money

(Hudood and Diyat)



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