شنبه: 1403/05/6

Mustahab places for offering prayers

902. In Islam, great emphasis is laid on offering prayers in a Masjid. Masjid Al – Haraam is superior to all the Masjids, and after it, the order of priority is as follows:

  • Masjid An – Nabi (peace be upon Him) (in Medina)
  • Masjid Kufa (in Kufa)
  • Masjid Bayt Al – Maqdas (in Jerusalem)


Then comes the number of Jami’ Masjid (central Masjid) of every city, followed by the Masjids situated in one’s locality, and then that of the bazaar (market).

903. For women, it is better to pray at home, instead she should pray in store room or the last room of the house.

904. Namaz in the Shrines of the holy Imams (peace be upon them) is Mustahab, and is even better than offering prayers in a Masjid. It has been reported that the reward for offering prayers in the sacred Shrine of Amirul Mo'mineen Imam Ali (peace be upon Him), is equal to 200,000 prayers.

905. Frequenting a Masjid, and going to a Masjid which is visited by very few people, is Mustahab. And it is Makrooh for a neighbor of the Masjid to pray anywhere other than a Masjid, unless he has a justifiable excuse.

906. It is Mustahab that one should not sit to eat with a person who does not attend prayers in a Masjid, should not seek his advice, should not be his neighbor, and should not enter into matrimonial bond with his family.


Saturday / 27 July / 2024

Islamic Laws (Taudheeh Al-Masail)